Prague 3, Lupáčova
One of the largest in the Czech Republic
window replacement
cultural monument

Lupáčova Elementary School in Prague, located in Prague's Žižkov, is interesting for its rich history and unique architecture. It was built in 1908 and is one of the largest school buildings in the Czech Republic.
What makes it special, however, is its art nouveau style, typical of the beginning of the 20th century when it was built. Another point of interest is that the school was significantly modernized at the beginning of the 21st century.
As part of this reconstruction, the school created, for example, a modern atrium with a multifunctional space and a green roof, which is a unique element of the school building. This contributes to a more pleasant environment for both students and teachers, and at the same time the school remains a distinctive architectural element in Prague's Žižkov. We are proud that even this beautiful Prague building carries Trustav brand windows.
What makes it special, however, is its art nouveau style, typical of the beginning of the 20th century when it was built. Another point of interest is that the school was significantly modernized at the beginning of the 21st century.
As part of this reconstruction, the school created, for example, a modern atrium with a multifunctional space and a green roof, which is a unique element of the school building. This contributes to a more pleasant environment for both students and teachers, and at the same time the school remains a distinctive architectural element in Prague's Žižkov. We are proud that even this beautiful Prague building carries Trustav brand windows.
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