Hotel Rott
An impressive building in the historic centre of Prague
window replacement
cultural monument

The paintings by Mikoláš Alš on the façade of the Hotel Rott catch the eye at first sight. However, the brown and white mullioned windows of the Trustav brand are also worth noticing, as they give depth to the view of the house. The replacement of the panels had to be done with the utmost care - there was no room for error given the painted façade and cornices. Similarly, the traffic in the café, which is located on the ground floor, had to be disrupted as little as possible. The challenging installation was successful and the house is now a dominant feature of the Small Square.
"The whole process was carried out with astonishing speed, without any problems and to our complete satisfaction. ... I have no hesitation in recommending Trustav for even the most complex cases of historic buildings and window replacements.", says Jana Budinská, General Manager at Hotel Rott, a.s.
In 1232, the Old Town of Prague was granted city privileges. Almost all the houses on the square have Romanesque underground spaces, which were originally the ground floors of early medieval houses. The layout of the Lesser Town Square has remained unchanged since then, but the appearance of the houses has undergone many changes. Narrow Gothic houses were combined into larger residences during the Renaissance and over the centuries adopted architectural styles corresponding to the aesthetics of various periods, including Baroque, Classical, Neo-Renaissance and others. The current architectural character of the square primarily reflects elements of the Renaissance, Baroque, and 19th century.
Hotel Rott has been in operation since 2001 and is located at a beautiful address - Malý náměstí in Prague's Old Town. Currently, the ground floor is a branch of the world-famous Hard Rock Cafe.History
Malé náměstí is located in the oldest inhabited part of Prague. It is believed that people lived here as early as the 8th century.In 1232, the Old Town of Prague was granted city privileges. Almost all the houses on the square have Romanesque underground spaces, which were originally the ground floors of early medieval houses. The layout of the Lesser Town Square has remained unchanged since then, but the appearance of the houses has undergone many changes. Narrow Gothic houses were combined into larger residences during the Renaissance and over the centuries adopted architectural styles corresponding to the aesthetics of various periods, including Baroque, Classical, Neo-Renaissance and others. The current architectural character of the square primarily reflects elements of the Renaissance, Baroque, and 19th century.
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