The Karlin Theatre
Pseudo-baroque building from 1881
window replacement
cultural monument
public buildings

The most beautiful musical and theatrical experiences, top actors, world repertoire. All this takes place behind the premium windows of the Trustav brand.
Breakthrough year 2002
The building of the iconic music theater in Karlín was devastatingly affected by floods in 2002. Nevertheless, it was possible to preserve its historical appearance, to reconstruct it sensitively, including new wooden windows of the brand Trustav. The interior of the theater meets all modern requirements for a perfect musical experience.History
The pseudo-baroque building was built in 1881, had table furniture and was originally used for circus and later variety shows. After the First World War, Karel Hašler expanded the repertoire to include cabaret, and in the 1920s the building hosted various theater groups, including the National Theater in Bratislava. At the beginning of the 1930s, Modern Operetta was based here, but soon the variety show returned. Only in 1932 did the original table furniture disappear and was replaced by classic theater seats. During the German occupation, a troupe from the closed National Theater performed here under the name "Provisional Theater" and in 1944 a drama from the Vinohradské Theater. (Source:
After a demanding reconstruction, the modern history of successful productions started in the original building with the world hit musical Producers. Since its premiere in October 2006, in addition to several operettas, the theater has presented countless international and Czech original musicals. For many, Lemonade Joe, Murder Behind the Curtain (The Curtains), Bonnie and Clyde, Aida, The Addams Family, Sister in Action and, above all, the most successful - the musical Carmen with Lucia Bíla in the lead role. It received almost 500 completely sold-out reruns. The current repertoire of the Karlín Music Theater is no less varied in its offer. For many, Dracula, Jesus Christ Superstar, A Legend named Holmes, Rebels, The Bodyguard and most recently Angel of the Lord. (Source:, world repertoire. All this takes place behind the premium windows of the Trustav brand.
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