Czech Geological Survey
Better outlook for research
window replacement
cultural monument
public buildings

The building in Prague's Klárov is a cultural monument that required sensitive intervention and the replacement of old, no longer functional windows. Therefore, we and the preservationists paid careful attention to the reconstruction.
Replacement of windows
The windows were always sampled to ensure 100% the desired performance. The job was all the more challenging because most of the windows were of an atypical arch shape. The exchange was carried out during the full operation of the Czech Geological Survey.Mission of the Czech Geological Survey
The Czech Geological Service in Klárov in Prague is a key institution of the Czech Republic that deals with geological research, monitoring, and the provision of expert advice and services in the field of geology. The task of this organization is to collect, preserve and make available geological information about the Czech Republic, which includes research on mineral deposits, the study of the geological structure and history of the country, the protection of geological heritage, the assessment of geological risks and many other activities connected with the geological sciences.History
The headquarters of the Czech Geological Survey in Klárov is located in the historic part of Prague, close to Malá Strana and Prague Castle. The building in which the ČGS is located is significant for its architecture and history, and is often associated with significant geological discoveries and research in the Czech Republic.
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