Behind this seemingly simple technological description are hours of diligent work. We approach each order individually, we produce all doors and windows exactly according to your wishes and technical requirements. These are not pre-manufactured, standardised elements that have been waiting in a warehouse for years. See how our products are made.
Wood processing
First, our skilled carpenters with many years of experience will process the wood of your choice on NC machines and produce doors or windows according to the required dimensions and other specifications.

The next step is careful sanding with electric sanders, including hand sanding with sponges. In this way, our employees create ornaments and details on doors and windows exactly according to your wishes.
The next step is careful sanding with electric sanders, including hand sanding with sponges. In this way, our employees create ornaments and details on doors and windows exactly according to your wishes.
Preparation before painting
The following is all the work that needs to be done before finishing the products. We prepare the holes for the hinges, locks and top fittings, install the flaps and gutters.
The doors and windows then proceed to the paint shop, where they undergo a surface treatment process. This involves the application of a water-based lacquer using high-pressure spraying, or so-called RAL paint - in the first step a soaking in the base and then a double spraying with intermediate sanding, each with a layer thickness of 150 microns.

Before the final products go to assembly, the doors and windows are put together for the final assembly. They are fitted with seals and fittings, glazed and finally prepared for dispatch.

Before the final products go to assembly, the doors and windows are put together for the final assembly. They are fitted with seals and fittings, glazed and finally prepared for dispatch.
Installation is the very last stage. The whole process of replacing windows in one apartment unit usually takes 2 days. All work is done from the interior as standard. Even if window replacement means a certain discomfort for the customer, our entire team tries to make this action as easy and short as possible so that the process is just a negligible moment preceding the long satisfaction of using a new window - with all the user, aesthetic and energy benefits.

Installation is the very last stage. The whole process of replacing windows in one apartment unit usually takes 2 days. All work is done from the interior as standard. Even if window replacement means a certain discomfort for the customer, our entire team tries to make this action as easy and short as possible so that the process is just a negligible moment preceding the long satisfaction of using a new window - with all the user, aesthetic and energy benefits.
Do you like how our products are made?
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